Want to relieve your health problems? All you need is the right consultant.

Temna rebuild’s your body with pinpoint accuracy.  No guesswork.  Just results.


Free Health Protocols

Got symptoms? Click on the link to access health protocols. These protocols are put together by medical and holistic practitioners and made available to the public.  Temna shows her appreciation for your orders by giving you up to 25% off orders and free shipping on orders that apply.  

Free Health Protocols

Access the list of herbal supplement programs that clients have used for their symptoms with great success.  Temna categorizes these strategies so you can find information for the specific health challenge you may be facing.  Enjoy!

Biofeedback Scans & Reports

Choose a scan, schedule your appointment and receive your biofeedback results in minutes.  Discover what your body is trying to tell you about your health, with a biofeedback scan.  This is a “do it yourself” service.  If you would like to schedule a biofeedback scan and consultation with Temna, please call 704-368-4447 or pick one of the packages below.

Complete Body Wellness scan and report, $95

This 22-page report includes your biofeedback scan results of the following biomarker stressors and imbalances (suggested supplements included in this report):

  • Detoxification system – liver, kidney, skin
  • Gastro-Intestinal system – stomach, pancreas, small intestine, appendix, colon 
  • Hormone/Endocrine system – pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, etc.
  • Immune system – lymphatic system, spleen
  • Hydration stressors
  • Diet & Nutrition stressors – artificial sugar, additives, preservatives, glyphosate, pesticide and herbicide accumulation. Vitamins and mineral deficiencies, and more.
  • Inflammatory stressors:  joint and connective tissue, and and other area that is experiencing inflammation such as cardiovascular, liver or gall bladder, etc.
  • Mental & emotional stressors
  • Sleep stressors
  • Toxic stressors
  • Bacteria levels
  • Virus levels
  • Fungus levels
  • Mold levels
  • Parasite levels
  • Pesticides & herbicide accumulation
  • Heavy metal accumulation
  • Vaccination accumulation
  • Chemical accumulation

Once again, the biofeedback report takes the guesswork out of what supplements to take by listing the supplements that the report suggests. Many people find this supplement list helpful, and others decide to have guidance with Temna and purchase Temna’s Rebuild Program package.


    Immune System scan and report, $85

    This report includes your biofeedback scan results of the

    Gastro-Intestinal system -colon, pancreas, stomach, etc.

    Immune system – bone marrow, spleen, peyers patches, etc. 

    Lymphatic system – lymph glands, mammary glands, etc.

    Respiratory system – tonsils, adenoids, sinus, bronchial, lung

    And lifestyle areas that would affect the immune system like sleep, mental and emotional stressors. This report also exposes harmful mold, fungus, bacteria and viruses that can compromise the immune system. The biofeedback report also takes the guesswork out of what supplements to take by listing the suggested supplement in the report. Many people find this supplement list helpful, and others decide to have guidance with Temna and purchase Temna’s Rebuild Program package.

    Vertebrae (back/spine) scan and report, $55

    This report includes your biofeedback scan results of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx vertebrae of the spine. It also includes what organs, glands and mental emotions are either triggering or effected by the vertebral imbalance. Many people find this report helpful in conjunction with chiropractic care. This report DOES NOT include supplement suggestions.

    Teeth biofeedback scan and report, $55

    This report includes your biofeedback scan results of the teeth. It also includes what organs, glands and mental emotions are either triggering or effected by the tooth’s imbalances. Many people find this report helpful in conjunction with their dental care. This report DOES NOT include supplement suggestions.

    Mental & Emotional scan and report, $55

    This report includes your biofeedback scan results of the emotions that are affecting your mental and physical health. It includes the emotion and what organs, glands and meridians are being affected by negative emotions. Many people refer to Temna’s MEmotional package which includes this scan and intuitive consultation with Temna. This report DOES NOT include supplement suggestions.

    Wellness Packages

    Biofeedback Scan, Report and Consultation with Temna

    MEmotional Package, $150

    Discover what mental and emotional stressors are effecting you, where your mental and emotional stressors are effecting your health, and what you can do about it. 

    Your MEmotional appointment includes the Mental & Emotional biofeedback scan, report, and a 30 min confidential consultation with Temna.   Temna will share strategies to help you change your perspective and raise your vibration to adapt or change the stressors for better mental and physical health.  Temna will also share any essential oil, supplement or herbal remedy that will help balance your mind and spirit.

    Just Curious Package, $150

    Are you just curious to see what your biofeedback scan will reveal? Are you looking for insight from Temna but not sure Temna’s Rebuild Program is the right fit for your health concerns?  Then this package is for you.  It includes the complete Wellness biofeedback scan, report and consultation with Temna. 

    Please note: This service is for new clients only.  Remote scanning device required.

    Temna's Rebuild Program, $3290

    Pre-paid, non-refundable.  

    A 3-month investment for a lifetime of health is priceless.  Why 3-months? It takes three months to correct most symptoms and to convince the body you are serious about your health. This program is designed to give you guidance, reassurance and results on your journey back to health! This package includes:

    • Benchmark Appointment – New or Re-establishing clients*
    • Month 1 Check Up – Get Relief Month – instead of the traditional way of starting programs with a detox, Temna prefers to start your first month on a program that gives you strength, energy and relief.
    • Month 2 Check Up – Detoxification Month – After your first month your body will have the strength to kick out unwanted physical and emotional toxins from the body. Therefore month 2 is considered the “detoxification month”. Temna will guide you through the process.
    • Month 3 Check Up – Rebuild Month – This is the month the body understands you are serious about your healthy lifestyle changes and you will feel the results of your efforts with more energy, less or no symptoms and a feeling of well-being. 
    • Weekly coaching – This 1 on 1 remote appointment with Temna, includes Temna’s tips, topics, Q&A time.  Temna shares what foods, herbs, and regimen to do for the upcoming week, what organs you are rebuilding for the week, mindset mentoring and what to expect during the week’s rebuilding process.

    • Biofeedback scanner –  this FDA approved medical device scans the entire body for stressors and imbalances in ten minutes at the comfort of your home.

    • E-coaching – informative emails.
    • Free shipping (orders over $50) Please note the package does not include supplements.
    • 2 Bonus Classes:  1. How to read your own Biofeedback report   2.  I did the program, now what? How to maintain your gains. How to offset “fun meals”.  

    Maintenance Appointment, $195

    After you complete Temna’s Rebuild Program, what’s next?  Maintain your health with maintenance appointments.

    Maintenance appointments are scheduled every 3-6 month depending on what health challenges you are trying to prevent. For example: If you are simply maintaining hormonal balance or constipation prevention, your maintenance appointment will be scheduled every 6 months. Where as if you are preventing a serious condition that could challenge your immune system, then your suggested maintenance appointment would be scheduled every 3 months. 
    Maintenance appointments include a biofeedback scan, wellness report, consultation with Temna, and customized supplement regimen.  
    Why 3-6 months? Because it only takes a cell 3 to 6 months to deteriorate and eventually cause symptoms and disease. It’s easier to rebuild health on a cellular level before it gets worse and turns into symptoms and disease.  So the idea is to prevent this from happening with maintenance appointments. 
    Please see our client support team to schedule, only if you have completed Temna’s Rebuild Program.

    Iridology Analysis Package, $195