Temna’s Rebuild Program
90-Day Schedule
What happens in 90-days?
Benchmark Appointment - Start here.
The Benchmark appointment (week 1) is your starting point to discover “why” you don’t feel well. Your suggested recommendations will be based on your biofeedback scan results and health goals.
Benchmark appointment includes:
- Biofeedback scan – a technologically advance, non- invasive scan to get cellular “feedback” on the body stressors.
- 20+ page Wellness report
- Up to 50 minute live consultation with Temna
- Diet and healthy living strategies
- Suggested herbs and supplements to support the body during the process.
Month 1 - The Get Relief Month
Each week you will meet with Temna on zoom. This is a private, one on one meeting where you will do a Biofeedback scan (remote) and share your successes, challenges and questions with Temna. You will also receive a customized regimen so you know “what to do” for the upcoming week. The regimen is based on your biofeedback scans and health goals. Temna will customize your weekly regimen to include a self-care routine, foods, water, movement, herbs and supplements, affirmations, etc.
Here is what you are rebuilding during month 1:
Week 1 – Activate and hydrate
Week 2 – Reduce stress and anxiety
Week 3 – Relieve inflammation
Week 4 – Release toxins
At the end of the first month you will feel energy, sleep better and notice symptoms start to subside.
Month 2 - The Detox Month
The second month is a vital phase to detox down to the cellular level. “Wait…what? I thought at the end of month 1 I would feel better.” Yes, but now that you feel better, your body is thoroughly convinced that after all the failed attempts in the past, finally you mean business… and get ready for it… it will start to “dump” out toxins to rebuild health. When the toxins are gone the majority of your symptoms will go away as well, because they are causing your symptoms.
What will you be detoxifying?
- Heavy metals
- Vaccinations
- Yeast and bacteria
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Parasites and flukes
- Fungus and molds
- Chemicals from the junk foods you eat.
- Chemicals from the medications you take.
- Chemicals from the products you use for your hair, skin and as an air freshener.
- Emotions, yes negative emotions that you have stored inside your mind and body.
This is the time you need me the most for reassurance and support so you can get through it.”
This is a private, one on one meeting where you will do a Biofeedback scan (remote) and share your successes, challenges and questions with Temna. You will also receive a customized regimen so you know “what to do” for the upcoming week. The regimen is based on your biofeedback scans and health goals. Temna will customize your weekly regimen to include a self-care routine, foods, water, movement, herbs and supplements, affirmations, etc.
Here is what you are detoxifying and rebuilding during month 2:
Week 5 – Respiratory system: ear, sinus, tonsils, lungs
Week 6 – Lymphatic system, kidneys and skin “the third kidney”
Week 7 – Liver and gall bladder
Week 8 – Colon
Temna will customize your weekly regimen to include a self-care routine, fruits, juices, smoothies, other foods, herbal medicine and supplements.
Month 3 Check Up - The Rebuild Month
The third month is where the body continues the detoxifying and rebuilding process. Be mindful that the Law of Healing states it takes a minimum of 3 months to rebuild the body. So may take more than 3 months depending on how long a dis-ease was present. But at this point, you are going to really enjoy coming back to life and feeling better.
Each week you will be meeting with Temna on Zoom. This is a private, one on one consultation where you will do a Biofeedback scan (remote) and share your successes, challenges and questions with Temna. You will also receive a customized regimen so you know “what to do” for the upcoming week. The regimen is based on your biofeedback scans and health goals. Temna will customize your weekly regimen to include a self-care routine, foods, water, movement, herbs and supplements, affirmations, etc.
Here is what you are rebuilding during month 3:
Week 9 – Digestive system: stomach
Week 10- Endocrine/hormone system: thyroid, adrenal, pituitary
Week 11- Neuro-muscular system: nerves and muscles
Week 12- Bonus #1: How to offset “fun food” days.
Bonus #2: How to read your Biofeedback reports so you can scan anytime after you program, to see how your body is maintaining (DIY Biofeedback service).
Temna will customize your weekly regimen to include a self-care routine, fruits, juices, smoothies, other foods, herbal medicine and supplements.
Weekly Online Coaching
Additional Perks
- Biofeedback scanning device
- 2 Bonus Master Classes: 1. How to read your own Biofeedback report 2. I did the program, now what? How to maintain your gains. How to offset “fun meals”.
- Facebook private support group
- E-coaching suite
- Free shipping (orders over $50) Please note the package does not include supplements.
- Up to 25% off supplements
Temna’s Rebuild Program FAQs
What is a ghost client?
A ghost client is someone who starts the program and fades away before completion. If we don’t see you within 60 days from your last Temna’s Rebuild Program appointment (a ghost client), we will have to start all over. Why?
Your body’s health is not static. Biofeedback scans are a snapshot of your health at a moment in time so the information is valid for a limited time. To get the full benefit from the program be sure to enjoy all the appointments and services within the recommended time frame.
Can I get additional help during the program?
Yes! Temna’s Q & A Sessions are always available. Call 704.368,4447 to schedule a Q & A time with Temna.
What comes after the program?
You are responsible for your health. So with the knowledge you’ve gained with Temna’s Rebuild Program continue to apply in life to maintain your gains. You will also be scheduled for Maintenance Appointments with Temna every 3-6 months (depending on the case). Why 3-6 months? Because it only take 3-6 months for symptoms and dis-ease to develop. So it’s important to schedule your Maintenance Appointments for prevention.
90-Days of professional support to kick bad habits that make you sick
Biofeedback scans
Assess your health with pinpoint accuracy and decide what’s best for you.